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Elite Collaborator

Obsolete Pages{{Obsolete}}

The official documentation is at:

This page describes how to run the Alfresco server and web client.

Starting the Alfresco server

Once you have installed Alfresco and its required components, you can start Alfresco by running the Alfresco server.
To start the Alfresco server:

  • (Windows) Browse to C:\Alfresco and double-click alf_start.bat. You can also click the Start menu, and select All Programs > Alfresco Enterprise > Start Alfresco Server.
A DOS window opens, displaying a message indicating the server has started:

INFO: Server startup in nnnn ms

  • (Linux) Browse to /opt/alfresco and run start.

Stopping the Alfresco server

To stop the Alfresco server:

  • (Windows) Browse to C:\Alfresco and double-click alf_stop.bat. You can also click the Start menu, and select All Programs > Alfresco Enterprise > Stop Alfresco Server.
The DOS window that opened during the startup closes, and Alfresco stops.

  • (Linux) Browse to /opt/alfresco and run stop.

Starting the Alfresco web client

Once you have started the Alfresco server, you can start the Alfresco web client in a browser.

To start the web client:

  1. Browse to http://localhost:8080/alfresco.
  2. Login using admin as the default username and admin as the default password.