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World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

In the first post of this series I showed how to extend the 'documentlist.get.html.ftl' and 'documentlist.get.js' files to instantiate a custom JavaScript widget that extends the default 'Alfresco.DocumentList'. This is a fragment from the “webview.get.html.ftl” file:

<@markup id='widgets'> <@inlineScript group=”dashlets”> var editDashletEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onDashletConfigure'); </@> <@createWidgets group=”dashlets”/> <@inlineScript group=”dashlets”> editDashletEvent.subscribe(webView.onConfigWebViewClick, webView, true); </@> </@>

Note that another new FreeMarker directive is being used: <@inlineScript> - this directive is used to demarcate sections of JavaScript to be included on the rendered HTML page but allows the specified script to be moved around the page or into aggregated generated resource files (more on this in a future blog).

Setting Object References

This extra code is required in this WebScript to create a custom event that is triggered when a user clicks on a button in the title bar. The <@createWidgets> directive is able to pass a reference the “editDashletEvent” object by way of a special data structure that can be used when creating the instantiation metadata in the JavaScript controller.

The problem is that when creating the model it is impossible to distinguish between a String that is genuinely a String and a String that is a reference to a JavaScript variable defined in the FreeMarker template because the controller has no awareness of that variable (the JavaScript controller is processed before the FreeMarker template).

To work around this problem the 'webview.get.js' controller sets a reference by including the following object to the widgets 'options' metadata object:

eventOnClick: { _alfValue : 'editDashletEvent', _alfType: 'REFERENCE'},

When the <@createWidgets> directive encounters a JSON object with the attributes “_alfValue” and “_alfType” and ONLY those attributes it converts that object into a variable reference instead of a String (effectively it omits the quotes).

PLEASE NOTE: There were many different ways in which we could have solved this problem but based on the perceived frequency of it being required we took this approach, as opposed to (for example) forcing developers to specify all Strings with escaped quotes.

Generated JavaScript

Ultimately the final source for the generated page will contain the following:

<script>//<![CDATA[ var editDashletEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onDashletConfigure'); //]]></script> <script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ var webView=new Alfresco.dashlet.WebView('page_x002e_component-1-2_x002e_site_x007e_site1_x007e_dashboard_x0023_default').setOptions({'webviewTitle':'','webviewURI':'/share/page/webview-default','isDefault':true,'webviewHeight':'','componentId':''}).setMessages({'label.noWebPage': 'No web page to display.', '': '<p>This dashlet shows the website of your choice. Click the edit icon on the dashlet to change the web address.</p><p>Clicking the dashlet title opens the website in a separate window.</p>', 'label.header': 'Web View'}); new Alfresco.widget.DashletResizer('page_x002e_component-1-2_x002e_site_x007e_site1_x007e_dashboard_x0023_default', ''); new Alfresco.widget.DashletTitleBarActions('page_x002e_component-1-2_x002e_site_x007e_site1_x007e_dashboard_x0023_default').setOptions({'actions':[{'eventOnClick':editDashletEvent,'cssClass':'edit','tooltip':'dashlet.edit.tooltip'},{'bubbleOnClick':{'message':''},'cssClass':'help','tooltip':''}]}); //]]></script> <script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ editDashletEvent.subscribe(webView.onConfigWebViewClick, webView, true); //]]></script>

Buried in amongst the generated instantiation script for the 'Alfresco.widget.DashletTitleBarActions' widget is the following call to the '.setOptions()'  function:

.setOptions({ 'actions': [{ 'eventOnClick' : editDashletEvent, 'cssClass' : 'edit', 'tooltip' : 'dashlet.edit.tooltip' }, { 'bubbleOnClick': { 'message' : '' }, 'cssClass' : 'help', 'tooltip' : '' } ] });

The key thing to notice is that the 'eventOnClick' attribute is being set as an object reference and NOT a String.


This post should have hopefully explained how to address the issue of referencing JavaScript objects declared in the FreeMarker template in the widget instantiation metadata (although we expect it to be something of an edge case) and the reason for the 'pre' and 'post' <@markup> directives in the new boiler-plate template. In the next post I'll describe how the <@link>, <@script>, <@inlineScript> and <@createWidgets> directives work in the different runtime modes now available in Surf .