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Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Denys G. Santos

This is a brief interview in our series of Community Spotlights.

How and when did you first start working with Alfresco?

I started working with Alfresco in 2008, with a project to manage the cell phone test team documentation at LG in Brazil. The Alfresco Community was selected as the solution and I started to learn Alfresco.

What is your favorite way to contribute to the Alfresco community?

Using the forum and nearly every day responding to e-mail and questions on Skype. Every once in a while, when I have time, I try to create an add-on. However, recently I have concentrated on creating a new version of bulk-filesystem-export tools.

What does the Alfresco community mean to you?

The Alfresco Community in Brazil is like a little daughter hungry for information. Overall, the Alfresco community is a grand knowledge source and a fun place to talk about Alfresco.

What's something you wish someone would have told you when you first got started with Alfresco?

Read the Alfresco's book and attend the webinars.

What do you do when you aren't working on Alfresco projects?

I work with other software projects like SpagoBI, Liferay and BonitaSoft. When I’m not doing that, I explore parks and other cities near São Paulo, Brazil.

Community Spotlight