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Alfresco Community 5.0.a is available for Windows 32 bit, Windows 64bit, Linux 64 bit, and Mac OS X.

Learn more about what's in Alfresco Community 5.0. For further information, refer to the Release Notes.

Complete Installation 32-bit Windows installer (after downloading, follow the simple install instructions for Windows)
(md5: 086d79a2d8da4d739c568f15fa111a80) 64-bit Windows installer (after downloading, follow the simple install instructions for Windows)
(md5: 55eec06695da8bc0043910d2cb418a6e) 64-bit Linux Installer (after downloading, follow the simple install instructions for Linux)
(md5: 3cfef2fb02f18ab2d7b08e56f4edd480) 64-bit Mac installer (after downloading, follow the simple install instructions for MacIntosh)
(md5: 128969b9a14a4a3471d4f6c6218c70e0)

Note for Mac users: Once the user has installed Java 1.7 using the Oracle installer, it is necessary to go to 'Utilities' > 'Java Preferences' and put Java 1.7 into the first choice.

Maven repository

Alfresco Community 5.0.a artifacts are available in our Maven repository.
Check the Alfresco_Artifacts_Repository page to configure Maven accordingly.

The Maven repository provides direct download to individual artifacts that were previously only available in separate zip files. For instance:

You may also want to check the Maven Alfresco SDK project, which provides archetypes to help you start a project easily.

Individual Components and Custom Installs


(md5: 6d9800016d55a7c4ec6c1784b19c531a)
Use this download for manual install. Contains Share and Explorer Web Archive (war) bundles and sample configuration such as

This file also contains Module Management tool and JLAN native libraries for windows

Records Management

(md5: fd1808ccff853d0ccaf5d3fc0204167a)
Alfresco Records Management 2.3.a.1

GoogleDocs integration

alfresco-googledocs-repo-2.0.7.amp (md5: 30c73c0e034edb0a61a1e693a09c556e)Repository AMP for GoogleDocs integration
alfresco-googledocs-share-2.0.7.amp (md5: 941918637f35793ac3d2c7abd5bb995f)Share AMP for GoogleDocs integration

Alfresco Workdesk

FileDescription (md5: bab60b2485df7d76a7c77a76267b4672) Alfresco Workdesk Community 4.2.0

Community Provided Packages

Please link to your package below:

FileDescriptionFeedback Method
Ubuntu Install scriptShell script that downloads and install all the necessary components to run Alfresco on Ubuntu server. This is not a custom version of Alfresco, it is an alternative install method that automatically downloads the necessary packages listed in this page. A Readme is available that explains all the install steps.File issues in the Github issue tracker.
example_packageExample Packagealfresco-package-feedback AT example DOT com

Community Edition