Obsolete Pages{{Obsolete}}
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Back to CMIS.
This document describes the mapping between the Alfresco Content Repository and the CMIS technical specification.
Repository Capabilities
- Multi-filing -> TRUE
- Unfiling -> FALSE
- Version-specific-filing -> FALSE
- PWC-Searchable -> TRUE
- PWC-Updatable -> TRUE
- Query-non-latest-versions -> FALSE
- Inner-join -> FALSE
- Outer-join -> FALSE
- Full-text-query -> Full-text + Properties
Model Mapping
- Note: Node Refs are serialized ${sys:store_protocol}://${sys:store_id}/${sys:node-uuid}
- Note: (*) - Not supported
Object properties
- ObjectId -> sys:referencable node ref (as a String) + '/{versionLabel}' if versioned
- Uri (*)
- ObjectTypeId -> M2TypeDefinition.name (refer to Meta Model Mapping) as a String
- CreatedBy -> cm:creator
- CreationDate -> cm:created
- LastModifiedBy -> cm:modifier
- LastModificationDate -> cm:modified
- ChangeToken ->
Document (inc. Object) Properties
- Name -> cm:name
- IsImmutable -> TRUE if cm:lockable.lockType == readonly || cm:versionable.auto-version == false
- IsLatestVersion -> TRUE (FALSE if PWC)
- IsMajorVersion -> VersionService().getCurrentVersion().getVersionType() == VersionType.MAJOR (FALSE if PWC)
- IsLatestMajorVersion -> IS_MAJOR_VERSION
- VersionLabel -> cm:versionLabel
- VersionSeriesId -> sys:referencable node ref (as a String)
- IsVersionSeriesCheckedOut -> TRUE if COCI.getWorkingCopy is not null
- VersionSeriesCheckedOutBy -> if COCI.getWorkingCopy is not null cm:lockable.lockOwner
- VERSION_SERIES_CHECKED_OUT_ID -> if COCI.getWorkingCopy is not null then COCI.getWorkingCopy noderef (as a String)
- CheckinComment -> VersionService().getCurrentVersion().getDescription()
- ContentStreamAllowed -> ContentStreamAllowed.ALLOWED.toString()
- ContentStreamLength -> cm:content.size
- ContentStreamMimeType -> cm:content.mimetype
- ContentStreamFilename-> cm:name
- ContentStreamUri
Folder (inc. Object) properties
- Name -> cm:name
- ParentId -> primary parent node ref
- AllowedChildObjecTypeIds -> M2ChildAssociationDefinition.targetClassName
Relationship (inc. Object) properties
- ObjecTypeId -> M2AssociationDefinition.name (refer to Meta Model Mapping)
- CreatedBy (*)
- CreationDate (*)
- LastModifiedBy (*)
- LastModificationDate (*)
- SourceId -> AssociationRef.sourceRef node ref
- TargetId -> AssociationRef.targetRef node ref
Meta Model Mapping
Base Object Types
- DOCUMENT_OBJECT_TYPE -> cm:content type
- FOLDER_OBJECT_TYPE -> cm:folder type
- RELATIONSHIP_OBJECT_TYPE -> simulate (no natural mapping)
NOTE: This means any type outside the cm:content and cm:folder hierarchy is not exposed via the CMIS interface.
Object Type Definition
- ObjectTypeId -> M2TypeDefinition.name - serialized as D|F|R|P/{prefix}_localName
- ObjectTypeQueryName -> M2TypeDefinition.name - serialized as prefix_localName (For the base types, use name as defined in the CMIS spec)
- ObjectTypeDisplayName -> M2TypeDefinition.title
- ParentTypeId -> M2TypeDefinition.parentName - serialized as D|F|R|P/{prefix}_localName
- RootTypeQueryName -> as defined in the CMIS spec
- Description -> M2TypeDefinition.description
- Creatable -> true for files and folders and false otherwise
- Fileable -> true for files and folders and false otherwise
- Queryable -> true for files and folders and false otherwise
- Controllable -> false
- Versionable -> true
- ContentStreamAllowed -> type == cm:content ? allowed : notallowed
- AllowedSourceTypes -> Assocs - DD source definition if a valid CMIS type
- AllowedTargetTypes -> Assocs - DD target definition if a valid CMIS type
Property Type Definition
- PropertyName -> M2PropertyDefinition.name - serialized as prefix_localName
- PropertyId -> M2PropertyDefinition.name - serialized as {uri}localName or just the CMIS propertyname
- DisplayName -> M2PropertyDefinition.title
- Description -> M2PropertyDefinition.description
- IsInherited -> true if the type definition is inherited from a super type (or a mandatory aspect inherits from another aspect)
- PropertyType -> M2PropertyDefinition.dataType (refer to Property Type Mapping)
- Cardinality -> M2PropertyDefinition.isMultiValued
- MaximumLength -> Set if there is an appropriate constraint
- SchemaURI -> null
- Encoding -> null
- Choices -> M2PropertyDefinition.constraints['list of values'], if any
- OpenChoice -> false
- Required -> M2PropertyDefinition.isMandatoryEnforced
- DefaultValue -> M2PropertyDefinition.defaultValue
- Updatability -> M2PropertyDefinition.isProtected
- Queryable - if indexed
- Orderable - if indexed and tokenization supports ordering
Property Type Mapping
- String -> d:text, d:mltext (server locale only?), d:category?
- Decimal -> d:float, d:double
- Integer -> d:int, d:long
- Boolean -> d:boolean
- DateTime -> d:date, d:datetime
- Uri
- Id -> d:text
- Xml
- Html
ID Mapping - In the CMIS model, a data type of d:qname, d:noderef is mapped to a CMIS ID in type and property definitions. They are converted to text in the property mapping.
The following Alfresco data types are not mapped - d:any, d:content, d:childassocref, d:assocref, d
ath, d:locale, d:version
Important: Any Alfresco property whose data type is not mapped to CMIS MUST be excluded from CMIS type definitions.
- DeleteObject -> DeleteNode
- UpdateProperties -> WriteProperties
- CheckOut -> CheckOut
- CancelCheckout -> CancelCheckOut
- CheckIn -> CheckIn (on PWC)
- DeleteAllVersions -> TRUE
- AddDocumentToFolder -> LinkChildren
- RemoveDocumentFromFolder
- SetContentStream -> WriteContent
- DeleteContentStream -> WriteProperties
- GetAllVersions -> TRUE
- GetDocumentParents -> TRUE
- GetRelationships -> TRUE
- GetProperties -> ReadProperties
- GetContentStream -> ReadContent
- MoveObject -> DeleteNode?
- DeleteObject -> DeleteNode
- DeleteTree -> DeleteNode
- UpdateProperties -> WriteProperties
- GetChildren -> ReadChildren
- GetDescendants -> ReadChildren
- GetFolderParent -> TRUE
- GetProperties -> ReadProperties
- GetRelationships -> TRUE
- MoveObject -> DeleteNode?
- DeleteObject -> TRUE
- UpdateProperties -> N/A
- GetProperties -> N/A
- GetRelationships