Alfresco Blog
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Blog Posts

Open Document Format (ODF) Plug Fest

On Friday I was asked to present at the OpenDoc Society’s ODF plug fest in Maidenhead. The plug fest seemed to be the presentation equivalent of speed dating, with each of the attendees given 10 minutes to cover an aspect of ODF.There were a number o...

What's in a date?

A quick tour of Alfresco support to query date and date time properties. By default, Alfresco treats date and datetime properties the same. Both are indexed and queried to a resolution of day. The index actually stores the date string as yyyy-MM-dd, ...

andy1 by Star Collaborator
  • 0 kudos

Alfresco 30 Day Trial - Sample Data

Trialling Alfresco Enterprise? Want some sample data to kick-start your evaluation?Well now you can install the same sample data that is used on the hosted trial system.For some time now we have been running a hosted trail of Alfresco in the cloud. T...

Importing and Exporting Share sites

I managed to get a bit of time on my flight to Lisbon the other day to make a few last changes to a tool I've been working on on and off for the last few weeks, to provide a standard way of loading (and dumping) the contents of Share sites for demons...

wabson by Star Contributor
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ADW FAQ (Talk)

This feature is very important, the current Alfresco WCM Web UI is very convoluted and way to complex for the average business user, in my experience this has been the failing point in most Enterprise WCM systems and Alfresco WCM out of the box UI do...

mrogers by Star Contributor
  • 0 kudos

Web Quick Start enhancements in 3.4.c

Alfresco 3.4.c Community release has just been released, and there are a few enhancements to Web Quick Start that are worth a mention.Word-to-HTML conversion A new rendering engine has been plugged in that takes .docx files and renders them into nice...

Site Blog Dashlet for Alfresco Share

Updated December 2010: Site Blog Dashlet is now hosted on Share Extras.This extension to Alfresco Share provides a custom Site Dashlet, which displays the most recent ten posts from the site blog component.[caption id='attachment_134' align='alignnon...

wabson by Star Contributor
  • 0 kudos

New policies for the Transfer Service

The community version of Alfresco 3.4 (currently 3.4.b) has many shiny new features that have been much heralded. I thought that I would make my inaugural Alfresco blog post about a smaller, 'under-the-covers' addition that will hopefully be of use t...