So it's been long due that we from Contezza that we've created this blog/post around our Admin Tools. This tool is used at our customers and this will become full Open Source.
This is maybe a response to the blog from Alfresco regarding the Control Center:
If you need to use the Javascript Console features, then you'll need to have a platform with an Alfresco 6.2.x or highter with a Javascript-console version 0.7 or higher (built by the code)
Go to github with our code ==> probably OOTB or Share-Extras
We have a mono-repository now, so will need to split the code
We use a lot of internal libraries which aren't available in our Nexus or NPMJS
These need to be built seperately and published
We'll need to publish the module also as a war/jar so one can include it in tomcat so no Docker image is needed or when someone just want's to include this module directly in the backend platform
A great shout out to our Developers at Contezza, Wasyl, Rick, Tjerk, Diego, Nume who are too shy to create a blog ==> hence I'm doing it .