This is documentation for the AGS/RM benchmark driver. The code can be found here: records-management/rm-benchmark at master · Alfresco/records-management · GitHub and it builds upon the .
After running the system for the first time, we should see something like this:
To run RM tests, click the big + from previous image and a new dialog will appear. We can then specify a name and a description for the test and we can select the RM Benchmark Driver test definition:
After selecting and saving the test definition, the configuration screen will appear containing the following rm specific configuration tabs:
Next we have screenshots with the properties of all RM specific tabs with short description for each property.
RM Site Creator Password: Password for the user
Maximum Active Loaders : Property that will be used to simulate concurrent users creating record folders and records. Currently we support only one user but it will serve its purpose in future sprints.
RM Site Creator: User name used for creating the RM site and for loading data. At the moment there is only support for one user, we’ll support multiple users in the future.
Category Structure Depth: This property defines the depth of record categories after the test is finished. For example if the property is set to 3 (as in the above screenshot) then, after the test run has finished, each brach will have one root category and 2 record categories.
Create File Plan Folder Structure: Flag defining whether we should load the file plan folder structure or not.
RM root category number: This property defines the number of root record categories after the test has finished. For example if the property is set to 5 (as in the above screenshot) then, after the test run has finished, under the filePlan we’ll have 5 root categories. If we increase the value to 6 for the second test run, then one more root category will be created.
Record Folder Number: The number of record folders that each category will have after the test run is finished. If Mix record folders with record categories is set to false then only the last record category leaf will have the specified number of children. For example, if the property set to 3 and Mix record folders with record categories flag is set to true (as in the above screenshot), then after the test run is finished all the categories will contain 3 record folder children.
Child Category Number: The number of record categories that each category will have after the test run is finished. For example if the property is set to 4 (as in the above screenshot), then after the test run is finished we’ll have 4 record category children for each category, except the leaf categories that will only contain record folders in order to respect the specified depth.
Mix record folders with record categories: This is a flag that specifies if the record category children will be mixed with record folder children. If this flag is set to true then each category will have specified number or child categories and child record folders (except the last leaf category that will have only record folders as children). If this flag is set to false then only the leaf category will contain the child record folders.
Unfiled Record Folders Depth: This property defines the depth of unfiled record folders after the test has finished. For example if the property is set to 4 (as in the above screenshot), then after the test run has finished each branch will have one root unfiled record folder and 3 unfiled record folders.
Number of Unfiled Record Folders Children: The number of unfiled record folder children that each unfiled record folder will have, up to the specified depth. For example if we set this property to 3 (as in the above screenshot), then after the test run has finished each unfiled record folder will have 3 record folder children (except the leaf that has none in order to respect the specified depth).
Root Unfiled Record folders: The number of unfiled record folders that we’ll have under the Unfiled Record Container after the test run has finished. For example, if we set the property to 4 (as in the above screenshot), then after the test run has finished we’ll have 4 unfiled record folders under the Unfiled Record Container.
Create Unfiled Record Folder Structure: Flag defining whether we should load the unfiled record folder structure or not.
Number of records to file: The number of records that will be uploaded into the record folders of the File Plan. The default value is set to 20 records.
Upload Records: This flag specifies whether records are to be uploaded into the File Plan or not.
Filing Path(s): This property contains one or more paths to record folders in the File Plan. The paths are comma separated. If this property is set then the specified number of records are uploaded into the set paths (distributed uniformly at random). If the specified paths are already created then the records are uploaded directly, if not then the record folders corresponding with each path are created first in the Alfresco repo, then they are loaded in MongoDB and after that the specified number of records are uploaded. If this property is not set, then the specified number of records are uploaded under the existing File Plan record folders (distributed uniformly at random). The default is that this property is not set (empty String).
Unfiled Record Folder Path(s): This property contains one or more paths to unfiled record folders. The paths are comma separated. If this property is set then the number of specified records are uploaded and distributed uniformly at random between the set paths. If the specified paths have already been created then the records are uploaded directly, if not then the unfiled record folders corresponding with the paths are created first in the Alfresco repo, then they are loaded in the MongoDB and after that the specified number of records are uploaded. If this property is not set, then the specified number of records are uploaded under the existing unfiled record folders structure (distributed uniformly at random).
Unfiled Records Number: The number of records that are uploaded in unfiled record folders structure after the test run has finished.
Upload Records: Flag that defines if the specified number of records are uploaded under the unfiled record folder structure or not after the test run is finished. If the flag is set to true, then after the test run is finished we’ll have the specified number of records uploaded, else if the flag is set to false, no records are uploaded after the test run is finished.
Declare In Place Records: This flag indicates whether this test run should be uploading content and declaring it as records or not.
Collaboration Site Path(s): This property indicates the relative paths within document library from which documents will be declared as records. Multiple paths can be provided. If no folder provided then records declared anywhere in the site document library. The paths are comma separated.
Collaboration Site Id: Indicates the collaboration site id from which the records will be declared. This property is mandatory.
Record Declaration Limit: This property indicates the maximum number of documents to declare, if 0 then all records found are declared.
Number of users to be assigned to RM Site: This property indicates the number of users assigned to RM site after the test run is finished. In order to add users to RM site we need to load core ent-signup-driver as a precondition to create users in Alfresco and add them to mongo db. To make use of all added users we have to change Maximum Active Loaders property from Records Management - General group to have the same value as current property.
Add users to RM Site: This flag indicates whether this test run should add users to RM site or not.
Filing Path(s): This property contains one or more paths to record folders in the File Plan. The paths are comma separated. If this property is set then the specified number of unfiled records are filed into the set paths (distributed uniformly at random). If the specified paths are already created then the unfiled records are filed directly, if not then the record folders corresponding with each path are created first in the Alfresco repo, then they are loaded in MongoDB and after that the specified number of unfiled records are filed. If this property is not set, then the specified number of unfiled records are uploaded under the existing File Plan record folders (distributed uniformly at random). The default is that this property is not set (empty String).
File Unfiled Records: This flag indicates whether this test run should file unfiled records or not.
Maximum number of unfiled records to be filed: This property indicates the maximum number of unfiled records to file, if 0 then all unfiled records found are filed.
Unfiled Path(s): This property contains one or more paths to unfiled record folders. The paths are comma separated. If this property is set then the number of specified unfiled records are filed uniformly at random from set paths and their sub-folders. If this property is not set, then the specified number of unfiled records are filed from all existing unfiled records (uniformly at random).
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