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So you want to create an ACA extension and your own libraries?

We'll show you how with an awesome Community Repo

You probably haven't seen myold blog: at that time we were just nerding and wanted to get rid of the /share Javascript-Console (who hasn't used that Smiley LOL).

The problem with that project was:

  • We were only using it internally
  • The github repo was a manual copy of our internal gitlab
  • It was a full custom app based on ACA, but the app didn't look anything like ACA. So most of the things where disabled
  • We were using a mono-repo so we couldn't share all code

So we started with the following steps

  • Create a new repo we could share with the community
  • Create new libraries
    • So we could use these libraries like the JS-Console in our custom apps and customer apps
  • Create a Demo-App to test these libraries
  • Moved to code to the new repo and libraries
  • Create a pipeline to build and release the libraries
  • Use the newly created libraries in our own apps

This brought us this cool project/Repo

I'm not going to copy and paste the Readme here, go read it there. So you can basically start the app, see how we extend ACA/ADW and build your own libraries and do the same.

In the future:

  • Sync our gitlab repo to github so everyone can keep in sync
  • Maybe create an ACA+ Community app with all community libraries under Alfresco or OrderOftheBee umbrella
  • Make the releasenotes in English Smiley Tongue
  • Move the JS-console code and package it in a jar, so it people can use it directly in the platform --> need community support on how to do that. we can build a war from the app, but package it in a jar with no auth issues --> not sure