01-23-2017 04:33 AM
Hello Fellows!
I experience this strange product behavior, quite critical thing i must admit. The processes i am deploying via activiti explorer are getting wrong deployment date. And what is more crucial - instance actions also randomly gets wrong start_time_ and end_time_.
Well, with a deployment i can replicate it quite easily. I just go to activiti admin (logged as kermit_ and deploy my test processes. (Screenshot attached. You can see in a screen shot that OS date and time as well as DB date and time are fine). With instance actions i have not found a straight path to replicate, it is just happening, and it is a complete stopper to use the product, since it is not possible to analyze when the action happened.
Maybe somebody can assist me with a solution. Hope it's kind of configuration or something...
thank you in advance!
activit 5.22.0
db oracle 11g
app server: (wildfly) Jboss eap 7.0.0.GA
os jboss running on - windows 7 pro
01-26-2017 03:45 PM
I am pretty certain the problem lies at the java layer after the tests you ran.
Check out this article, it's a little dated but may shed some light on your problem:
What's your time zone? | JavaWorld
01-27-2017 02:05 AM
thank you for the hints. I will take a look at this.
Though, it seems that activiti engine has major issues with inconsistency in handling dates or maybe date timezones or something like that. Otherwise i can not explain why process's actions start dates are handled fine, deployments date are not. And when process action completes end dates and start dates of actions are updated (handled) 50/50. In my understanding it should be all wrong, or it should be all fine.
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