05-31-2018 06:31 AM
I want to render a parameter whose value is an array of elements (each element has, for example, a name and an identifier). As a result, I should get a list of names (in a string separated by a comma), when you click on the name, you should publish a topic containing the identifier. Any ideas how to implement such a widget?
Now I have a simple widget with html-links but I need to publish a topic instead of following a link.
05-31-2018 10:09 AM
I add publication function to each item of my list
this._attach(itemNode, "ondijitclick", lang.hitch(this, this.onClick, item.name));
onClick: function alfresco_navigation_Link__onClick(name,evt) {
if (this.publishTopic != null)
this.alfPublish(this.publishTopic, {name:name});
(by analogy with the widget "alfresco/navigation/Link").
05-31-2018 10:09 AM
I add publication function to each item of my list
this._attach(itemNode, "ondijitclick", lang.hitch(this, this.onClick, item.name));
onClick: function alfresco_navigation_Link__onClick(name,evt) {
if (this.publishTopic != null)
this.alfPublish(this.publishTopic, {name:name});
(by analogy with the widget "alfresco/navigation/Link").
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