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Why create two schemas for activiti-admin and activiti-app?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

A couple on-line tutorials show that two schemas are created for activiti-admin and activiti-app separately, and the same database setup scripts "create.engine", "create.history", "create.identity" are run in both schemas. Activiti-admin uses liquibase to create additional tables like SERVRE_CONFIG etc, while activiti-app does not do it.

I am curious why it is necessary to create duplicate tables in two schemas. Can I use one schema for all the three war files instead? What's the catch?


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

I guess you mean guides such as Alfresco Activiti I suspect that you would get errors when both try to create some of the same tables and records as somebody reports that at the end of How to use REST API with activiti-app? It seems both apps use tables with the same names and columns so liquibase would not be happy about finding them already-present. It might well be possible to work around that but it could be awkward to do so. While activiti-app may not use liquibase, it might still error. If you really wanted to try it probably best approach would be to let activiti-app create its schema first through liquibase and then run scripts manually for the others. I would guess that the movitvation was probably so that each app could be run self-contained.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thank you for your answer.

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