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Which table in Alfresco contains document approvers list?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I need to change the approver of a document from backend. Can someone please tell me which Alfresco DB table does contain the approver name or email ID?




Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

I'd suggest posting underAlfresco Content Services (ECM). Have you tried there? If you're an enterprise customer you can also consider going through the official support route.

I'll move this topic to ECM. Good call.

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

If you are talking about approving a document via a workflow, then there is no single table that holds that data. Instead it is quite distributed. You have the Activiti tables act_ru_variable, act_hi_varinst and act_hi_detail that contain the active/historic workflow variables as well as change data for processes / tasks - if the approver is stored as workflow data you may find it here. Also, to find a workflow associated with the document you first may have to check the variables to see where the document is linked or where a special "workflow package" folder that contains the document is referenced.
The act_ru_identitylink / act_hi_identitylink tables contain candidate user / group assignments, whereas the current/last assignee of a task is stored in act_ru_task / act_hi_taskinst - the last assignee of an approval task would typically be an approver of the document / process. Users are typically stored via their user name, so you'd have to resolve that to the other properties of a user via the alf_node_properties table that stores node metadata - you'd need to check the property cm:userName and use the resulting node_id to load/group the other properties of that person.

All in all, I hope you can see that getting the data from the tables directly is quite a hassle due to the data normalisation. It is far better to get the data via the Alfresco APIs.