04-16-2019 11:50 AM
I am trying to invoke a custom java backed webscript from a button I created in a custom widget js file.
here is my code :
var id=5
var myButton = new AlfButton({
label: "Supprimer",
onClick: function(){
var url = Alfresco.constants.PROXY_URI + "test/delete?id="+id;
this.serviceXhr({url : url,
method: "GET"});
the button is being displayed and when I try a simple alert message, it works good.
but when I try the previous code, nothing happens. Any ideas ?
04-17-2019 05:37 AM
Hope this helps: alfresco-add-menu-sample/custom-button-sharedfiles.js at master · angelborroy/alfresco-add-menu-samp...
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