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Wars for install Alfresco

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Buenas, si quisiera instalar una versión 4.2 por ejemplo de Alfresco en una máquina de mi empresa y necesito los wars para desplegar la aplicación... dónde los podría conseguir??



Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Not sure about your question, if you want to retrieve the war for alfresco "alfresco.war" e share " share.war", you can just use one of the installer on this page Community file list 4.2.f  follow the instruction of the documentation, after the first start you can retrieve under "alfresco-community-4.2.f\web-server\webapps\*.war"  the wars you need.

Marco Tenti‌, I want to install from the beginning Alfresco 4.x on my machine. For that, I need deploy the wars, isn't it??

Thnks beforehand.

Best regards.

Is much more simple than you think, you download one of the installer of alfresco 4.2 (windows,linux or mac) on this page Community file list 4.2.f  , follow the instruction , after the initial configuration asked from the installer (targetPath, optional service, ecc.) you retrieve yourself a folder called "alffresco-4.2" o "alfresco-community", the alfresco machine is already installed with a embed tomcat and all you need for run alfresco , for start and stop the alfresco service read this link Starting and stopping Alfresco | Alfresco Documentation  .

Anyway i suggested to you to use the version 5 of alfresco.

I got it, but I can´t execute some installer because I must deploy the wars on a machina with a tomcat, and install a DB aswell right?

Is not on my PC the installation.

Sorry Angel , maybe i don't understand your problem, so i must ask some question:

1) You need to install alfresco on a remote machine?

2) You want to "integrate" alfresco (and the wars) on a already existent tomcat application ?

3) You want to use alfresco with your database and/or without install the database ?

4) What did you mean "I can't execute some installer" ? you  can't acces direct to the machine with ssh connection or similar?

Good morning Marco Tenti‌, I'm gonna try to answaer your questions:

1) Yes, I access through IP, port and user / password with a SFTP app.

2) Yes, or with a new tomcat.

3) That's depends on the compatibility between database and alfresco no? 3.4.7 community doesn't work with oracle for example.

4) Yes, but I have not permissions to execute anything.

K angel, i will try to make some suggestion, but i never try this chain of operations:

It's your choice , but i suggest to install alfresco with the version 5 of alfresco instead the 4.2, anyway these i the steps i suggest to you:

0) I suggest to install alfresco on a new tomcat application, in the specific use the tomcat embed on alfresco builded from the installer installer on the next step, i try once to make a merge of alfresco in another apache tomcat, and i found many problem, if you really want to use a already existent tomcat, the only suggestion i can give to you , is make sure to use a tomcat with the same version used form the alfresco for avoid many problems, for all the other problems you can found some advise on the internet.

1) Install on your local machine with the installer the alfresco you want, note if the remote machine is a linux machine e your local machine is windows , i suggest to ceate a local virtual machine with the same OS of the remote machine and install alfresco  on that, for avoid many problem when start alfresco on the remote machine.

2) ZIP the folder of alfresco created on the local machine and trasfer to the remote machine with the SFTP connection.

3) if you have the permission unzip the folder and install the alfresco service by following thi documentation Starting and stopping Alfresco | Alfresco Documentation , if you don't have the permission to install the service or unzip the file , make the owner do that.

4) asking to the owner of the machine if not present to install a service database like mysql, postgres , ecc., the version 4.2 support many format , the documentation on how configure the database used from alfresco Configuring databases | Alfresco Documentation , i personally suggest to use the postgressql because is the default database used from alfresco on the version 5.

5) Check if you nedd other configuration like email on this link : Configuring Alfresco | Alfresco Documentation 

6) After you set up the confgiration of alfresco, you can try to start the service installed before, if all the setup configuration are gone with success, you can try to access to the web application of alfresco the "share" application".

Hope this can help you.


Ok, so i gonna try this and will see.

Thnk you so much.