05-26-2020 07:53 AM
Hello, i would like to ask, how can i use WHERE in Alfresco API
GET /nodes/{nodeId}/secondary-children
using WHERE and more than one assocType, for example like
where=(assocType='my:type1') or (assocType='my:type2')
If i use AND or OR in WHERE param, result is the same. I't there some possibility how to get two different associations using WHERE? Thanks
05-27-2020 02:58 AM
I don't know if I get you.
AFAIK a secondary child can be only from assoc type cm:contains and primary=false.
Did you define custom secondary associations?
05-27-2020 06:02 AM
Thank you for the answer but it's not true. I have custom association in content model like
<child-association name="my:type1"> <title>My Type</title> <source> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <many>true</many> </source> <target> <class>cm:content</class> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <many>true</many> </target> </child-association>
I need to get results for two associations, my:type1 or my:type2 in one request using where condition.
05-27-2020 06:16 AM
Those are not secondary associations. They are source and target associations.
You need to use these other REST API calls:
GET /nodes/{nodeId}/sources GET /nodes/{nodeId}/targets
05-27-2020 06:59 AM
Are you sure? And what about this https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/#!/nodes/listSecondaryChildren
05-27-2020 07:29 AM
As I said before that REST API invocation handles the cm:contains secondary associations.
But if you are not sure, let's wait for someone else that may have deeper knowledge of the API than me.
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