03-09-2017 12:06 PM
I know that Community and Community RM is typically not recommend for business critical production systems and less than 100 users but I wanted get a sense of how big a set of records people have managed. We are currently using a commercial product and will have no more than 40 people using the system and probably less than 20 concurrently. However we are managing 30+ years of electronic and paper records for 8000 employees that generate a significant (high) amount of documentation and email. I don’t have counts of number of records nor size yet.
03-13-2017 04:31 PM
It wouldn't be required but with the connectors Simflofy provides it greatly simplifies the process over manual bulk imports. I can't compare it with other similar tools as this was what was recommended by the consultant who was going to be doing the majority of the work. I think the benefits of using a tool such as Simflofy depends a lot on the complexity of your migration.
03-12-2017 10:31 PM
Hi Steve,
We're not using Community but since you asked about migrations from Oracle we went through a fairly small migration of about 150,000 records (~350GB) from Oracle URM (Universal Records Management) to Alfresco One / Alfresco RM last year. We partnered with Appnovation and the approach they came up with was to use a product named Simflofy to pull content out of Oracle URM using the database and filesystem and create the content in Alfresco using a CMIS connector. Most of the work was in mapping metadata data from the existing system to a new Alfresco content model and defining the folder structure that the content would be moved into.
03-13-2017 12:57 PM
Thank you, that is very helpful information. That was our recommended approach, but there are current budget constraints that have precluded this from happening at this time. Is it your sense that Simflowfy was necessary to make this happen efficiently. The interfaces in Alfresco One seem to be a little simplistic (crude) and seem like they would benefit from an add-on like it almost requires a product like Simflowfy to help with the process or a lot of custom code. Did the consultant say why you needed Simpflofy?
03-13-2017 04:31 PM
It wouldn't be required but with the connectors Simflofy provides it greatly simplifies the process over manual bulk imports. I can't compare it with other similar tools as this was what was recommended by the consultant who was going to be doing the majority of the work. I think the benefits of using a tool such as Simflofy depends a lot on the complexity of your migration.
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