12-28-2019 08:45 AM
Hi all,
I'm uploading a new version of a node using CMIS, by following this instructions. I'm using Alfresco 6.2 ootb installation with docker.
I'm able to retrieve nodes' content, and to upload a new version, but I wonder if I can provide a version description, as can be done through the Alfresco ReST API and Alfresco Version2Service.
I've tried adding form data to the http call, but I see no results:
// Post new content to Alfresco as a new version using CMIS API HttpPut put = new HttpPut(alfrescoBaseUrl + CMIS_URL + "content?id=" + ocrNodeId); // Create request entity requestEntityBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create(); requestEntityBuilder.setMode(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE); requestEntityBuilder.addBinaryBody("file", inputStream); requestEntityBuilder.addPart("versionComment", new StringBody("new version test", ContentType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)); // Tried with description, versionComment, versionDescription requestEntity = requestEntityBuilder.build(); put.setEntity(requestEntity);
It's the first time I'm using CMIS, and I've seen that Alfresco documented in a different way CMIS operations for the new 201911 GA version, so I'd like to know:
I've already looked at the service document as stated here, but I don't get a s***, nor I haven't found any "getting started guide" for OASIS standard but the oasis standard specification, which is too much for me at the moment.
Thanks in advance!
01-07-2020 11:46 PM
You should be using a CMIS client (like one from Apache Chemistry). It will save you a lot of trouble.
What you are trying to do is set a checkin comment. With something like OpenCMIS, it is as easy as:
ObjectId newVersionId = pwc.checkIn(true, null, null, "new version comment");
You can see additional OpenCMIS sample code here:
You might also take a look at the CMIS related examples in my custom content types tutorial, although I do not cover checkout/checkin.
As to whether you should use the REST API or CMIS, it is up to you and how closely each API meets your requirements.
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