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upgrade 5.2, where is the alfresco-content-services-installer-5.2.7-win-x64.exe

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Star Contributor


we are trying to upgrade from community 5.0 to 5.2 and from :



I know we need to download the installer : alfresco-content-services-installer-5.2.7-win-x64.exe as the start point and upgrade files, but I can't see where I can downlaod it, please suggest.

anything else we need to download together with alfresco-content-services-installer-5.2.7-win-x64.exe ?


5.2.7 is an enterprise version. Don't you have support from a Alfresco partner for your upgrade process?

You can (re)use the existing db - even on a new install. Just run the installer like for a fresh system and then modify the db and contentstore url in the What could be a real pain is how to upgrade the postgres binaries and update the database within your local windows directory created by the Alfresco installer(s). You should check if pg_upgrade is included in your bin directory. Some weeks ago I did a inplace postres upgrade on linux system for a > 400 GB alfresco db and that took ~ 20 mins but on that system we already stored the db in a postres installed from the OS package manager, not from the Alfresco installer. Also I'm not sure if inplace postgres upgrade is supported on Windows at all since the mechanism creates symlinks in the new install dir.

What do you think to take this as a chance to move your db on a independant system using an official Postgres installer/deployment? I would even encourage you to move from Windows to Linux in this step, which makes updates/upgrade/tuning/clustering easier. For this migration you would need to pg_dump and pg_restore once but you you may play with parallel dump and parallel restoration to reduce the downtime.

Rebuilding postgres' indexes and updating statistics would not reduce any table/db sizes. For that size I would guess something like 100 mio nodes/documents. If you think it should be less you could check the trash bin (archive store) and the trash cleaner.

View answer in original post




"5.2.7 is an enterprise version."

so what is the latest 5.2.x community edition? the information I got here from other member is , 5.2.7 is community edition.

"You can (re)use the existing db - even on a new install. Just run the installer like for a fresh system and then modify the db and contentstore url in the"


"What could be a real pain is how to upgrade the postgres binaries and update the database within your local windows directory created by the Alfresco installer(s). You should check if pg_upgrade is included in your bin directory. "

so if the alfresoc binary has the pg_upgrade.exe we are fine ?  but we will check postgreSQL version by logging in to the PostgreSQL and see if it is different.

"ome weeks ago I did a inplace postres upgrade on linux system for a > 400 GB alfresco db and that took ~ 20 mins but on that system we already stored the db in a postres installed from the OS package manager, not from the Alfresco installer. "

so not by Alfresco installation binary buy by linux package manager and Alfresco still works ?

"What do you think to take this as a chance to move your db on a independant system using an official Postgres installer/deployment?"

as you said, just change the DB configuration path and point back to the existing one.

"I would even encourage you to move from Windows to Linux in this step, which makes updates/upgrade/tuning/clustering easier. "

for me window installer is easier than linux, right ? just next next and next.. ?

"For this migration you would need to pg_dump and pg_restore once but you you may play with parallel dump and parallel restoration to reduce the downtime"

any command for me to reference to do parallel pg_dump and pg_restore ? is the pg_dump and store do good to backup and restore username and security role as well as Alfresco related application role ?

"If you think it should be less you could check the trash bin (archive store) and the trash cleaner."

is it good for us to keep deleted trash bin regularily? how can I do it regularily ?

"Rebuilding postgres' indexes and updating statistics would not reduce any table/db sizes"

we are not doing rebulid index and statistic for that! actually what can be faster if we rebuild ALL postgreSQL index and updates statistics for Alfresco database?

> so what is the latest 5.2.x community edition? the information I got here from other member is , 5.2.7 is community edition.

> so not by Alfresco installation binary buy by linux package manager and Alfresco still works ?
sure : postgres is postgres and I would not recommend to use the alfresco installer provided version

> for me window installer is easier than linux, right ? just next next and next.. ?
easier for you doen't mean better for your organisation. We never use(d) the installer version on any production systems. 

> any command for me to reference to do parallel pg_dump and pg_restore ?
off topic

> is it good for us to keep deleted trash bin regularily?
of course - depending on your usage scenario trash bin could increase dramatically if not managed
> how can I do it regularily ?

> we are not doing rebulid index and statistic for that! actually what can be faster if we rebuild ALL postgreSQL index and updates statistics for Alfresco database?
updating statistics may help the db optimizer to choose the fastest query plan
I would not expect any performance optimization from rebuilding ALL postgreSQL indexes


I see this :

Maven repository

Alfresco Community 201707 artifacts are available in our Maven repository under the versions.

  • 5.2.g for Alfresco Platform
  • 5.2.f for Alfresco Share.

So 5.2.g is the one we needed for community 5.2 for upgrade from 5.0?

"postgres is postgres and I would not recommend to use the alfresco installer provided version"

ok ,got you! 


so it is the alfresco-trashcan-cleaner.exe command on windows too ?

I can't find  alfresco-trashcan-cleaner.exe in my host installed with community 5.0 

"updating statistics may help the db optimizer to choose the fastest query plan
I would not expect any performance optimization from rebuilding ALL postgreSQL indexes"

from alfresco application's point of view, nothing perform better after index rebuild and update statistics.

We build our own versions but I guess 5.2.g is the correct version. Why don't you use the war from the installer/zip-archive referenced on the release page?

trashcan-cleaner: there is no exe. Alfresco didn't have such a feature like a trashcan-cleaner but started to prepackage the Alfresco product with the trashcan-cleaner module originally developed by the ATOL CD team. There are still others providing their own module with that functionality. If it's not already installed on your system (I don't remember the Alfresco version when this is preinstalled) you may build and install it - but be careful to use the very latest version since the module had a heavy issue with large repos/many docs in the trash.

> from alfresco application's point of view, nothing perform better after index rebuild and update statistics.

I don't understand what you're trying to tell. Does a reindex change the performance? If so, you may take a look on your postgres configuration to optimize memory allocation.



" from alfresco application's point of view, nothing perform better after index rebuild and update statistics."

sorry typo..

I want to know if I rebuild all index of PostgreSQL, will the speed of Alfresco application will be increase?

or what function of Alfresco will have speed improvement ?

"If so, you may take a look on your postgres configuration to optimize memory allocation."

but I am only focus on index rebuild at this moment 

any update for me ?

Do you think we can upgrade PostgreSQL 9.3.x bundled with Alfresco 5.0 to PostgreSQL 11 directly? 

any news on when we can upgrade PostgreSQL 13/14 for Alfresco community 7?


ok,, Here we have alfresco 7.1 and it support PostgreSQL 13.1 and 13.1