10-14-2020 08:58 AM
Hello, I have that question
I start 2 solr instances and ACS on one host
instances works on ports 8983 and 8984
In alfresco-global.properties I set port for solr 8983
and then I stop solr instance on 8983, but alfresco continues work with solr instance that started on 8984
why this thing happens? how shoud I set alfresco for prevent this?
10-15-2020 03:45 AM
Are you using Sharding?
10-16-2020 02:48 AM
Yes, I using sharding at one of them.
In alfresco-global.properties I set
and set shards manual
10-16-2020 04:59 AM
Then I guess that should still be working while at least one shard is live.
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