05-11-2018 06:19 PM
I want to send an email reminder to each user task assignee (multiinstance task) after a given period a time. A Timer Event is bound to the user task and triggers a service task (AlfrescoScriptDelegate) that should send an email to the user task assignee.
My problem/question:
Task object is not available in AlfrescoScriptDelegate context, and I don't know how to get the userTask assignee.
My code:
<userTask id="buyerApprovalLevel1Task" name="Buyer approval level 1 user task" activiti:assignee="${buyerApprovalLevel1Assignee.properties.userName}" activiti:formKey="supplierinvoice:buyerApprovalLevel1Task">
<documentation>Buyer approval level 1 user task</documentation>
<multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics isSequential="false" activiti:collection="supplierinvoice_buyerApprovalLevel1Assignees" activiti:elementVariable="buyerApprovalLevel1Assignee">
<completionCondition>${wf_buyerApprovalLevel1TaskOutcome != 'NONE'}</completionCondition>
<boundaryEvent id="buyerApprovalLevel1TaskTimer" name="Timer" attachedToRef="buyerApprovalLevel1Task" cancelActivity="false">
<sequenceFlow id="flowBuyerApprovalLevel1TaskTimerOut" sourceRef="buyerApprovalLevel1TaskTimer" targetRef="buyerApprovalLevel1Reminder"></sequenceFlow>
<serviceTask id="buyerApprovalLevel1Reminder" name="Buyer approval level1 email reminder" activiti:class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.script.AlfrescoScriptDelegate">
<activiti:field name="runAs">
<activiti:field name="script">
?? task object is not available here, how to get userTask assignee ??
Thanks for your help.
05-13-2018 09:50 AM
There is no task because you are not executing a task listener - only the ScriptTaskListener class will have the "task" variable set as a global variable in JavaScript. Also, you could not have accessed the assigned user from the task variable anyway, since the task you are executing the JavaScript in isn't a user task (it is a service task) and as such does not have an assignee. You would need to execute a task query via the low-level Activiti RuntimeService to find and access the user task to which your boundary event is attached.
05-13-2018 03:08 PM
Thanks axel, very clear.
So is there any simple way to send a reminder email to user task assignee after a given period of time ?
05-15-2018 06:22 AM
If you are asking "so simple I don't have to code anything", then no. Otherwise it is quite easy - implement your JavaScript service delegate, use the root scope object "workflows" (WorkflowManager) to query for active tasks in the current workflow - maybe filter for the previous task ID if you have parallel execution paths - and then use the email action to send the mail. For an easy implementation the Alfresco "workflows" root scope object may suffice - I usually don't use it because it hides quite a bit of information that I usually need, but for a reminder you may not need such internals...
05-15-2018 06:33 AM
Ok thanks I'll try this way.
Just one thing: could you please explain "maybe filter for the previous task ID if you have parallel execution paths" ?
(I'm not 100% sure how to deal with paths to get previous task...)
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