06-25-2021 06:50 AM
we recentyl upgraded to Version 6.2.2 of ACS an noticed, that tags are no longer shown in the document library of a site:
the underlying Service
responds with no entries.
but when i change to the document library view in the repository, the tags are shown as expected:
the Tags are also shown in the tag manager in the admin console.
Is this related to some configuration or am i missing something else?
06-25-2021 07:04 AM
06-29-2021 01:39 AM
within the node browser, all tags are shown as expected:
06-29-2021 03:53 AM
The tags shown in the document library are aggregated / retrieved from a so called "tag scope cache" property on the document library node itself. It could be that - for some reason - the async action / job which aggregates that data is not working properly for the document library, and if you view it in the Repository view, you are actually seing the aggregate from a higher level node instead. You should check the properties of the site + document library via the node browser and check for the tag scope cache / summary property. Also check the logs for any errors with text that point to tag scope updates / refreshs.
06-29-2021 05:15 AM
indeed, the documentLibrary node has such a property "cm:tagScopeCache". opening the content of the property shows an empty result/file. same behaviour with cm:tagScopeCache at site level.
i also tried to refresh the cache with:
var refresh = actions.create('refresh-tagscope');
but it has no effect and there are no messages in the log file (org.alfresco.repo.tagging is set to debug)
01-22-2023 02:42 AM
Was this issue ever solved? I have the same problem. Thanks.
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