03-15-2020 12:55 AM
Using Alfresco 5.1 professional version.
I am using slingshot API, as provided. It generates JSOM but the JSON shows toalRecords zero, where indeed several documents are found
https://myhodt-and-port/alfresco/service/slingshot/doclib/doclist/documents/site/mysitename/documentLibrary returns JSON, but does notshow the number of records.
The JSON returned shows totalRecords as zero, which is incorrect.
Is there any way to know:
1. Total number of documents in a site under document library in a site?
2. Total number of documents in a site under document library under a given folder say folder1 (wher folder1 has sub-folders), folder2( where folder2 has sub-folders) etc?
3. Total size of files under folder1, and total size of files under folder2?
I tried doenload as zip using user interface but for some reason, the zip folder does not download all the files. The files are not big, so it is not a limitation of the size/space. Everry times, it doenloads only a certain set (and same set) of files, not sure why it does not download the other files.
03-27-2020 04:20 AM
It looks as if you have a number of different questions and observations.
The issue with the download zip sounds odd so might possibly be a bug or configuration issue. Please also check your logs. Please feel free to raise a JIRA issue if you can document the exact detailed steps (including configuration & test data used) in a separate clean new envionment.
If you're subscribed to use ACS Enterprise (5.x / 6.x) then contact Alfresco Support for more help.
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