03-20-2024 07:53 AM
I have users who have a list of authorities defined in my SpringBoot application
I have the flow given below, here instead of sending it to a particular email, I want to send it all admin users with the role as "ROLE_ADMIN.. is that possible through activiti? I have added my User class here as well
public class User implements UserDetails, AuthenticatedPrincipal { @Id private String email; private String firstName; private String lastName; private String phone; }
<sequenceFlow id="flow1" sourceRef="leaveRequest" targetRef="sendMail" /> <serviceTask id="sendMail" activiti:type="mail"> <extensionElements> <activiti:field name="from" stringValue="abc@gmail.com" /> <activiti:field name="to" expression="${emailId}" /> <activiti:field name="subject" expression="Leave request from ${name}" /> <activiti:field name="html"> <activiti:expression> <![CDATA[ <html> <body> Hello ${name}, is requesting for ${days} of leave. <br/><br/> Kind regards,<br/> TheCompany. </body> </html> ]]> </activiti:expression> </activiti:field> </extensionElements> </serviceTask>
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