09-14-2020 08:11 AM
Hi all,
I'm using a Rest call task in my process and trying to send an email to a user when the target server is down, or there is connection time out for any reason. How can I capture the this time-out event? I'd like to handle the event to change the flow in the process; is this possible?
09-18-2020 03:56 AM
better use service task that does the rest call and throws BPMN error that can "catched" in the process using boundary catch event
09-18-2020 06:35 AM
Thank you Abbas,
In the end I implemented the rest call inside a sub-process and put a boundary timer event in the sub-process, so if the REST call is not working for more than x minutes it will cancell the subprocess and execute additional actions.
Thanks anyway.
09-18-2020 06:45 AM
Glad you found a solution. Would you be able to add the source code or outline the approach in more detail to help other people?
09-21-2020 03:53 AM
Hi Eddy,
Below is the diagram of the approach I used. If the REST call is not working for within 1 min, the timer boundary will terminate the subprocess and trigger additional actions. Hope this helps.
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