09-20-2023 09:17 AM
Hi All,
Is there any add-on for reset password in Alfresco Coummunity Edition 6.2 where i am using for windows server.
I have searched in online for this amp-file but i didn't get it.
Please suggest me.
Thanks & Regards
Sai Kumar S
10-04-2023 12:57 AM
Hi all,
@abhinavmishra14 @angelborroy @saidone Thank you
The add-on for Reset Password(https://github.com/FlexSolution/AlfrescoResetPassword/releases) is working but i found out an issue when i try to add an TOTP-Autnenticator(https://github.com/saidone75/alfresco-totp-authenticator/releases) Add-on the Reset Password Button in the login form is not working.
Please anyone can get me a solution for this.
Below are the pictures attached.
Only Reset Password Add-on amp file is applied
Both Reset Password and TOTP amp files have been appliedThanks & Regards
Sai Kumar S
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