01-29-2019 07:34 AM
Hi all.
By default, at document details page, after executing the document action "Move to", the user is being redirected to the node's new target place (the window.location.reload(); line).
we would like the user to stay at the parent folder of the document's source place, so we replaced
url: Alfresco.constants.PROXY_URI + "api/sites/shareUrl?nodeRef=" + encodeURIComponent(this.options.parentId),
fn: function(response)
var obj = Alfresco.util.parseJSON(response.serverResponse.responseText);
fn: function(response)
I am using sdk 2.0, so if I place the the updated copy-move-to.js to src\main\amp\web\modules\documentlibrary\copy-move-to.js, would it be a good practice?
Meanwhile, the '/alfresco/s/api/sites/shareUrl?nodeRef=' responds with failure when the file is under a user's home. So in this case we keep the default functionality. how could i get the url in a user's home (sub)folder give its noderef?
Thanks in advance.
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