05-14-2024 09:48 AM
if I want to configure a database to be able to use spring data jpa inside the alfresco-global.properties I can, how can I do it? can I use alfresco global properties as if it were an application properties?
05-27-2024 02:53 AM
Hello there @Alfie1422 ,
While Alfresco doesn't directly utilize Spring Data JPA for core functionalities, it can be integrated for custom entities or extensions that interact with a relational database. Here's how alfresco-global.properties plays a role.
Configuring Database Connection in alfresco-global.properties. Locate the relevant database connection properties in alfresco-global.properties. Ensure these properties are correctly set up for your specific database.
If you're using Hibernate with Spring Data JPA, set this property to the appropriate dialect for your database (e.g., org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect).
Depending on your application server and database, you might need to configure connection pooling settings in separate configuration files. Check your Alfresco documentation for specific guidance.
Consult the documentation for your specific Alfresco version for compatibility and configuration details.
You'll likely need to write custom code using Spring Data JPA to interact with your database entities. Alfresco itself might not directly expose these entities for manipulation.
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