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Query regarding- Maven Build into alfresco and share wars

Star Contributor
Star Contributor


I have setup the repo and share Maven projects for the latest Alfresco 5.1 Community Stack. I am able to build my custom code into amps, respectively for repo and share projects.

I am used to build the custom project directly into the alfresco.war and share.war using ANT in the previous versions of Alfresco(4.2).

Is there a way in Maven, where I can build the repo customization directly into my alfresco.war? And similarly the share project into my share.war?

Is there any configuration which tells Maven where the war file exists? inorder to build them?

What is the Maven command to build the customization into war?

Any pointers would help... Thank you...



Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

You should have a look at the documentation about the Alfresco SDK. The Alfresco SDK is the easiest way to build extensions and the final WAR files using Maven. For ANT I am afraid you will have to fiddle yourself or hope that one of the very few people that still uses that tooling stumble across this question.

Hi Axel,

Thank you for your response...

So, using Maven if I have to build alfresco.war for my custom project then I have to choose the "All in One" project and not the "repo" project?

There is no Maven command for building alfresco.war from the "repo" project?

Appreciate your help...

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator
