08-07-2024 04:34 AM
I have problème on some instances of alfresco when we update the title of documents, we always get the first title set when we use :
nodeServive.getProperty(node, ContentModel.PROP_TITLE); //return wrong value
Exemple :
But in Share, ReST API (getNode) , NodeBrowser and JavaScript we get the expected value (latest value)
var title = document.properties['cm:title']; //return good value
When investigating the problem, I found out the only place the first value of the title remain is in database, using this query :
SELECT n.id AS "Node ID", n.uuid AS "Document ID (UUID)", p1.string_value AS "Document Name", p2.string_value AS "Title" FROM alf_node AS n, alf_node_properties AS p, alf_node_properties AS p1, alf_node_properties AS p2, alf_namespace AS ns, alf_qname AS q, alf_content_data AS d, alf_content_url AS u WHERE n.id=p.node_id AND ns.id=q.ns_id AND p.qname_id=q.id AND p.long_value=d.id AND d.content_url_id=u.id AND p1.node_id=n.id AND p1.qname_id IN (SELECT id FROM alf_qname WHERE local_name='name') AND p2.node_id=n.id AND p2.qname_id IN (SELECT id FROM alf_qname WHERE local_name='title') AND n.uuid=' fa7d43b4-78e5-4f3e';
the result we find two titles :
In envirement without the problem, it's expeted to have always one value
Even when we update multiple times, the query results always have 2 results, with the first title value never changing;
I can't give instruction how to repreduce the problem but I got it 3 intances of ACS
Is there a configuration to solve this problem or an alternative in Java to get the expected value ?
Thanks in advance,
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