04-14-2020 11:10 AM
Recently we stumbled upon strange issue with office documents. When we edit online documents, hyperlinks show exactly like they should. But if we download document or choose edit offline option hyperlinks get "relative" paths.
For example:
Link like: https://ecm/share/page/site/12076/document-details?nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/cd9f1e97-ec8b-4521-aaff-a9d02642c66a
Would look like: ..\..\..\..\..\..\share\page\site\12076\document-details?nodeRef=workspace:\\SpacesStore\cd9f1e97-ec8b-4521-aaff-a9d02642c66a
Does anyone know what could cause this issue? Is it AOS related or Office related?
11-19-2020 03:37 AM
We're running into the same problem on ACS 6.1.1 enterprise.
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