03-27-2018 09:02 AM
I have a problem when I deploy activiti-rest in glassfish4 an error appears ,but when I use glassfish 3 everything works well is activiti-rest has a problem with glassfish 4 !!!!!!!
04-25-2018 03:48 AM
What kind of problems do you have? Do you need to be way more specific if you want people to help you.
I wouldn't say that Activiti is tested against Glassfish as far as I know.
04-25-2018 06:22 AM
I see the following error
![](/legacyfs/online/alfresco/20283_erreur 1.PNG)
04-30-2018 05:55 AM
that happens when you do what? Are you trying to submit a form? or upload a file?
What operation are you executing? or just trying to access which URL?
04-30-2018 08:40 AM
I want to deploy activiti-rest in glassfish 4, but I can not, however in glassfih 3 it works
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