01-20-2017 08:37 AM
I have an Activiti workflow that creates multiple (parallel) user tasks for an authorisation task (assigns each one to a group based on one element of a list).
<userTask id="authReview" name="Authorisation Review" activiti:candidateGroups="${assignee}" activiti:formKey="rowf:authReviewTask">
${assignee} Data Access request for approval.
<!-- One instance of this user task for each group that needs to authorise the request -->
<multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics isSequential="false"
activiti:collection="${rowf_reviewers}" activiti:elementVariable="assignee" >
As the ${assignee} variable is used to allocate the task to the correct group (after being read from the ${rowf_reviewers} list, is there any way to use ${assignee} to add to the task description? The task description is currently set by the documentation tag which seems to work fine but nothing is read from ${assignee}. I think this may be to do with a timing issue with the population of ${assignee} as "may" be populated before the documentation gets evaluated.
Any assistance on how to get ${assignee} into the description would be appreciated.
01-20-2017 01:47 PM
This appears to be a duplicate of the following Stack Exchange question i answered earlier today:
workflow - Alfresco/Activiti multi-instance task variable use - Stack Overflow
If this is a different question, please let us know.
01-20-2017 01:47 PM
This appears to be a duplicate of the following Stack Exchange question i answered earlier today:
workflow - Alfresco/Activiti multi-instance task variable use - Stack Overflow
If this is a different question, please let us know.
01-23-2017 06:58 AM
Yes, that's correct and thanks for the help. I have added information to the StackOverflow question regarding your suggested solution.
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