10-19-2017 10:12 AM
I'm missing a folder in the web frontend, that isn't deleted. All files from this folder are still present in alfresco database and in the contentstore.
Example file from folder:
id | filename | content_size | content_url | uuid | audit_created
51959 | RG150359367812-sig.pdf | 90117 | store://2017/6/6/11/9/9a1d1840-11c5-48de-b222-d0311fa89339.bin | 32a58c78-5dbb-45fa-b546-649eb1435dcb | 2017-06-06T08:58:30.641Z
Whats wrong and how to get back the folder or documents?
Just creating the folder again via frontend and restart alfresco?
10-20-2017 08:03 AM
If the file still exists in the DB then there's no point in creating any new elements - you need to find out why they don't show up.
Could it be, that those elements have simply been deleted and moved into the archive://SpacesStore (trashcan)? So you'd just need to restore them there and should be able to see them.
Also, how are you trying to access them? If via a search, then the SOLR index may be disrupted / inconsistent for some reason, and you may only have to re-index to find the documents again.
10-20-2017 11:29 AM
All trash-can are empty. Nothing is deleted.
I've found out that permissions to copy files or create folder where not permitted. There were index failures in alfresco.log (Expl: ERROR: right sibling's left-link doesn't match: block 2 links to 2619 instead of expected 2612 in index "idx_alf_node_mod"). After reindexing directly the postgresql database (REINDEX INDEX idx_alfe_node_crd / REINDEX INDEX idx_alfe_node_mod) , I can copy files or create folder again.
I did also a fix of the SOLR index via: //localhost:8080/solr/admin/cores?action=FIX as mentioned.
But the missing folder is still absent.
To do a search was a good hint. Because an example file was found. (//
I'm exciting.
Any idea more?
10-20-2017 12:12 PM
I never had this kind of error in PostgreSQL before, so am quite unsure about what could cause it and what its implications are. But it looks to me like you may have a more general issue with the system. Is there a reason why you have not yet upgraded to Alfresco 5.0.d? 5.0.a was the first release of Community Edition for the 5.0 line, and naturally may contain various issues / bugs that have since been ironed out.
10-23-2017 10:47 AM
Why 5.0.a? Never change a running system. But seriously we had no time for upgrading.
It seams to be a problem with the Postgresql database during hanging of the virtual machines. After a whole reindex over all tables the missing folder is now shown (webfrontend and cifs). But still empty with an error in webfrontend:
09230001 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/documentlibrary/data/surf-doclist.get.js': 09230000 SyntaxError: String contains control character (file:/opt/alfresco-5.0.a/tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/documentlibrary/data/surf-doclist.get.js#916)
I'm going ahead step-by-step.
It is wise to upgrade to 5.0.d despite of the faulty folder? All other folders have no problems.
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