10-04-2018 01:40 AM
We use activiti 5.22 version activiti jars.
There is one scenario where in, user needs to cancel a task in the bpmn process.
Consider below scenario:
Start --> Task1 --> Task2 --> Task3 -->End
So above process has three sequential task, in which Task1 is in pending status, and Task2 and Task3 are not yet initiated.
So the question here is, can a non-initiated user task (Task2 or Task3) be marked as cancelled or completed in advance, so that when the Task2/Task3 are encountered, it automatically by-passes those tasks and directly next task in the sequence is activated.
Thank you.
10-04-2018 04:13 AM
No - this is where exclusive gateways would typically be used to skip over any task that no longer needs to be executed.
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