09-06-2017 04:39 AM
Alfresco 5.2.0 (r133656-b12) is synchronized with Active Directory (ldap.synchronization.active=true)
We have problem, some person "marshall" succesfully authenticates via LDAP if person name is in lower case, but receives authentication error if person name is in upper case "MARSHALL" .
All other persons may authenticate to Alfresco with username in both upper and lower case.
I suppose, that Alfresco keeps two person names, one in lower case and one in upper case with different passwords.
But by no means I can query the othe person with name "MARSHALL", only "marshall".
I tried CMIS queries :
SELECT * FROM cmerson where cm:userName='MARSHALL'
SELECT * FROM cmerson where cm:userName='marshall'
and I tried database query:
SELECT p.*,n.* FROM alf_node AS n,
alf_node_properties AS p,
alf_qname AS q
WHERE n.type_qname_id=q.id AND q.local_name='person' and n.id=p.node_id and string_value='MARSHALL'
How can I retrieve and delete person 'MARSHALL'?
09-06-2017 03:00 PM
Hi Sergey:
In Alfresco 5.2 there is a new security protection against brute force attacks on login, which is enabled by default.
Check this thread, for deactivating it, if it is deriving in a strange login behaviour (and if there are no truly brute force attacks).
09-06-2017 07:01 AM
After investigating alfresco.log, I have found that user MARSHALL was reported to have Brute force attack
2017-08-15 12:06:24,603 WARN [org.alfresco.repo.security.authentication.AuthenticationServiceImpl] [http-apr-8181-exec-4] Brute force attack was detected for user MA*******
May be the protection status somehow still exists on person MARSHALL ...
09-06-2017 03:00 PM
Hi Sergey:
In Alfresco 5.2 there is a new security protection against brute force attacks on login, which is enabled by default.
Check this thread, for deactivating it, if it is deriving in a strange login behaviour (and if there are no truly brute force attacks).
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