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Limiting the number of documents shown on a DocLib page

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Is there a way to limit the number of documents shown on a Document Library page?


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please use the search for "pageSize" this topic has been covered many times

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After checking/modifying dozens of files, the solution is to modify the ./tomcat/webapps/share/components/documentlibrary/documentlist-min.js file. Might not be the ultimate solution but it works.

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In Alfresco 5.2, if you want to config number of items per page in Document Library, the steps are the following:

1.- Copy the file "documentlist-v2.get.js" to "{Alfresco}\tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\web-extension\site-webscripts\org\alfresco\components\documentlibrary"

2.- In this file we have to add the following line:
model.widgets[1].options.pageSize = 10;

3.- We will add this line at the end of the code of widgets function:

function widgets()
var useTitle = "true";
var docLibConfig = config.scoped["DocumentLibrary"];
if (docLibConfig != null)
var tmp = docLibConfig["use-title"];
useTitle = tmp != null ? tmp : "true";

var docListToolbar = {
id: "DocListToolbar",
name: "Alfresco.DocListToolbar",
assignTo: "docListToolbar",
options: {
siteId: ( != null) ? : "",
rootNode: toolbar.rootNode != null ? toolbar.rootNode : "",
repositoryRoot: toolbar.rootNode,
hideNavBar: Boolean(toolbar.preferences.hideNavBar),
repositoryBrowsing: toolbar.rootNode != null,
useTitle: (useTitle == "true"),
syncMode: toolbar.syncMode != null ? toolbar.syncMode : "",
createContentByTemplateEnabled: model.createContentByTemplateEnabled,
createContentActions: model.createContent

var documentList = {
id : "DocumentList",
name : "Alfresco.DocumentList",
options : {
syncMode : model.syncMode != null ? model.syncMode : "",
siteId : ( != null) ? : "",
containerId : != null ? : "documentLibrary",
rootNode : model.rootNode != null ? model.rootNode : "null",
repositoryRoot : model.rootNode,
usePagination : (args.pagination == "true"),
sortAscending : (model.preferences.sortAscending != null ? model.preferences.sortAscending : true),
sortField : model.preferences.sortField != null ? model.preferences.sortField : "cm:name",
showFolders : (model.preferences.showFolders != null ? model.preferences.showFolders : true),
hideNavBar: (model.preferences.hideNavBar != null ? model.preferences.hideNavBar : false),
simpleView : model.preferences.simpleView != null ? model.preferences.simpleView : "null",
viewRenderers: model.viewRenderers,
viewRendererName : model.preferences.viewRendererName != null ? model.preferences.viewRendererName : "detailed",
viewRendererNames : model.viewRendererNames != null ? model.viewRendererNames : ["simple", "detailed", "gallery", "filmstrip"],
highlightFile : page.url.args["file"] != null ? page.url.args["file"] : "",
replicationUrlMapping : model.replicationUrlMapping != null ? model.replicationUrlMapping : "{}",
repositoryBrowsing : model.rootNode != null,
useTitle : (model.useTitle != null ? model.useTitle == "true" : true),
userIsSiteManager : model.userIsSiteManager,
associatedToolbar: { _alfValue: "docListToolbar", _alfType: "REFERENCE" },
commonComponentStyle : model.commonComponentStyle,
suppressComponent : model.suppressComponent,
filmstripImageLazyLoading: model.filmstripImageLazyLoading == "true"
if (model.repositoryUrl != null)
documentList.options.repositoryUrl = model.repositoryUrl;

model.widgets = [docListToolbar, documentList];
model.widgets[1].options.pageSize = 10;

4.- In this case we have establish ten items per page

5.- We must restart Alfresco Service and after that this configuration will be available


Items per page

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Star Contributor

HI Calvo,

Thanks alot for the explanation, I will try to do this later this week. Right now the modification we did works and good for a demo/mock up. But for sure your approach looks a bit more mature.

Zsolt Putnoky