01-20-2020 09:50 AM
guys , i have installed , javascript console using below command .
java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install javascript-console-share-<version>.amp /path/to/share.war
without any error , i could instal the amp file . when i tried to list the package using list option , i can see its available as shown below : -
C:\Windows\system32>java -jar D:\alfresco-content-services\bin\alfresco-mmt.jar list D:\alfresco-content-services\tomcat\webapps\share.war
Module 'de.fme.alfresco.JavascriptConsole-share' installed in 'D:\alfresco-content-services\tomcat\webapps\share.war'
- Title: fme Javascript Console Share Extension
- Version: 0.7.2001201140
- Install Date: Mon Jan 20 14:18:48 GMT 2020
- Description: Adminstration console module to execute arbitrary javascript code.
But I am not able to see option to access java script console in left menu as mentioned in usage section . I cant see even this in 'module browser' menu . I have logged in Admin account .
Is there any further setting , i need to do make this module (amp) available in Alfresco ? I am using following version of Alfresco
Enterprise - 5.2.4 (r726ca8d5-b18)
Any help is highly appreciated.
01-21-2020 04:30 AM
The addon comes as two AMPs, one for the Repository tier (alfresco.war) and one for the Share tier (share.war). You must install both for it to be fully usable.
It looks like you built the module yourself from the GitHub code base. This should not be necessary, since pre-built binaries are available from Maven Central. As far as I can see, the current master only contains 2-3 minor fixes beyond the released version on Maven Central.
After installing - as with any other AMP install - you must make sure to delete the unpacked tomcat/webapps/share and tomcat/webapps/alfresco folders, otherwise you will not see any update, as the AMPs are installed into the WAR, which will not be unpacked when those folders still exist. So in essence, your installation is incomplete.
01-21-2020 04:30 AM
The addon comes as two AMPs, one for the Repository tier (alfresco.war) and one for the Share tier (share.war). You must install both for it to be fully usable.
It looks like you built the module yourself from the GitHub code base. This should not be necessary, since pre-built binaries are available from Maven Central. As far as I can see, the current master only contains 2-3 minor fixes beyond the released version on Maven Central.
After installing - as with any other AMP install - you must make sure to delete the unpacked tomcat/webapps/share and tomcat/webapps/alfresco folders, otherwise you will not see any update, as the AMPs are installed into the WAR, which will not be unpacked when those folders still exist. So in essence, your installation is incomplete.
01-23-2020 07:27 AM
I did the same step as mentioned , didnt use locally build version . I have used same version downloaded from Maven repo .Works perfectly fine
thanks for this solution
01-23-2020 07:52 AM
Hi @brijeshnk,
Thanks for accepting the solution - helps everyone else who encounters a similar problem.
11-06-2020 05:36 PM
I am new to alfresco and I already installed the .amp files, now what are the files to delete?
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