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Issue in ADF upgrade to 2.6

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

We have built our ADF app on 2.3 version and as a starting point, we downloaded ADF alfresco-content-app from

Then we started building our custom components on the top of the alfresco-content-app and custom components are dependent on components and services comes with alfresco-content-app.

Now we have followed the procedure given on to upgrade to 2.6 and only replaced ADF dependencies from 2.5 to 2.6. We have upgraded to 2.6.

But some functionality of components from alfresco-content-app seems to be broken. Like adf-document-list component, from Alfresco content app some components like files component uses adf-document-list along with adf-info-drawer and content-metadata-card component. After the upgrade, it shows metadata of the previously selected document in the info drawer tab.

Please suggest the steps we should follow to overcome the above issue.


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Hi, I guess we need some more details on the errors. Perhaps a console log of chrome or other hints will help us better understand your issues

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I don't get any console error regarding this.

In the screenshot, it shows the properties of the previously selected document.

This is not an ADF bug is a probably a bug in your app. The documentlist has as output parameter the selected node and you probably have used this output parameter in the input of the properties on the right.

You need to check in your app why it doesn't get this value. probably you check it only on the onInit and not in the onChange of Angular