02-24-2017 12:17 PM
As the question says, is there going to be a client web application developed by Alfresco similar to Share? Currently, the documentation only mentions how to build applications using this framework, putting together Alfresco Angular 2 components.
02-25-2017 02:06 PM
The primary use case as communicated (e.g. during the introduction Office Hours episode) is about enabling users, customers and partners to build custom business apps. So far there has - as far as I am aware - been no communication regarding any Alfresco-developed business application coming forward. But we are in that phase of the release cycle of Alfresco where the Enterprise GA release is quite close and Alfresco is looking at the goals of the next cycle. Also, there will likely be new announcements at BeeCon, and if I am informed correctly there might be an Office Hours session even before BeeCon where some UI news may be covered.
One thing that Alfresco has communicated in the past is that Share will not be replaced by ADF in the near future, and I would see no business benefit for Alfresco to offer a second client that is "similar to Share" when Share is still around. Especially seeing how many features/components would need to be added to the bare minimum that ADF currently provides for it to be even close to "similar to Share".
But people like Francesco Corti or Ole Hejlskov might be more qualified to answer (the "higher ups" regarding product strategy like Thomas DeMeo or John Sotiropoulos are not as active on this platform).
02-28-2017 04:57 AM
Hi Axel,
Hi JosePH,
I think Axel Faust wrote a good picture.
We all are waiting for the next public events (Beecon, Office Hours in March, Alfresco Days) where the Executives and all the teams, will share further details (each one in their role).
Alfresco's desire with ADF is to build the reference apps (for example a simple file sharing, etc.) to provide a scaffold for things that are common and basic for various use cases. The idea is to give a good starting point that could either be used as is, but more realistically configured to meet specific needs.
Looking forward to see you attending (and asking for further details) in the various events.
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