01-31-2017 10:46 AM
I'm new to Alfresco and using Alfresco One. I was wondering if there was a list of keywords in Alfresco and how you would list them.
02-01-2017 06:43 AM
What kind of keywords do you need to get?
"Keywords" in terms of potential search queries? - Then you may be talking about faceting via the SOLR search system.
"Keywords" in terms of documentation? "Keywords" in terms of application concepts?...
02-01-2017 09:00 AM
Hi Axel, Yes. Keywords in search queries.
02-01-2017 09:23 AM
Look into the FTS reference documentation for technical keywords.
If you really need to determine search terms that can be used in queries, then you need to investigate your index. Faceted search provides an ability to show the "most commonly used" terms for individual properties. In the Alfresco documentation it is referred to as "filtered search". Of course you can also access SOLR directly to view term histograms.
02-01-2017 10:03 AM
Thanks for help in moving me in the right direction.
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