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Integrating ADF with Activiti 5.22

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator


Has anyone tried to create (or has any idea how can it be done) an Angular component which can be used for starting processes and completing tasks for the Alfresco Community 6.x (embedded Actviti 5.22)?

To start a process, a REST call is made to: "share/proxy/alfresco/api/workflow/activiti%24process1/formprocessor" with the JSON body.

To complete a task, again a similar REST call is made :"share/proxy/alfresco/api/task/activiti%143/formprocessor" with the JSON body.

The question is, how should the Angular know how to display forms? There is no REST API for that. The "share/page/task-edit?taskId=activiti%143&referrer=workflows" shows full HTML code, so I would have to extract data from it.

The Activti form configuration for Alfresco Share is made in the share-config.xml, should something similar be created for the Angular? How is it done in the APS (I don't recall that you have to write such a big form configuration for every single task in the process)

Alfresco Developer

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator


The short answer is: the integration between ADF and ACtiviti 5 (or 6) is possible only through directs calls on the REST API. In brief: it is a raw integration.

ADF supports Activiti version 7+, due to differences in the REST API between Activiti and APS (the Enterprise version of the BPM Engine).

I hope this will help you.

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Hi @fcorti,

Unfortunately, that is what I expected to hear. So would you rather recommend to try to integrate this raw REST API or maybe it's better to install Activiti 7 and have it all done? 

I don't have any data so migration is not a problem. I tried to install Activiti 7 but it is mainly focused on the cloud - I would prefer it to be installed on the local server, even without Docker. It would be also nice to be authorized with the standard Alfresco auth, instead of Kerberos. But there is no installation guide for that Smiley Sad

Alfresco Developer

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator


My recommendation is to try first in a POC / test project.

Activiiti 7 is released also as a standalone engine (not necessarily as Kubernetes / microservice architecture). The bad news about this is that the documentation is poor (I know and agree, it is not ideal). 

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

To use Alfresco Development Framework, you must meet the following requirements.

  • You need Alfresco 5.2 or above – since ADF is dependent on the Alfresco API specifications in Alfresco 5.2, the minimum requirement to use it is Alfresco 5.2. Bluestacks Omegle
  • If you want to use Alfresco Development Framework with both ECM (Alfresco) and BPM (Activiti) – you will need Activiti 1.5.1 or higher as well. ADF is fully integrated with both with no dependencies on having one or the other.
  • You also need to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) on both Activiti BPM and Alfresco ECM

how can we enable CORS for ECM?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Activiiti 7 is released also as a standalone engine