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Import new version of existing process model

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

How to import new version of existing process models and apps into higher environments?. We're using Activiti Enterprise V, So when I import the process to higher environments, it is creating a new process model rather than updating the existing model with new version. Any help on this will be appreciated.


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Hi Ramrao,

If it is a brand new App in a new environment

  • Manual Deployment Step: Kickstart App -> Apps -> Import App
  • Automated Deployment using REST API: POST /enterprise/app-definitions/import

If it is an update to existing app

  • Manual Deployment Step: Kickstart App -> Apps -> <<Your App Name>> - Import App
  • Automated Deployment using REST API: POST /enterprise/app-definitions/{modelId}/import

If the second option is creating duplicate models please let me know.  

If you are using collapsed subprocesses there is a known issue of duplicate sub-process models getting created on deployment ([ACTIVITI-275] Activiti: Importing app containing collapsed subprocess duplicates included process d...). 



Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Iam using manual deployment in second step i.e. Kickstart App -> Processes-> <<Your Process>>  Import Process,  which is creating duplicate model instead of updating the existing one. Please advise.

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

You are not quite doing what I mentioned as second option. Noticed that you

are doing it via "Processes". You should be doing it via "Apps". Import

process only converts a bpmn xml to a model format. Import process should

not be used to migrate processes from one environment to another.

Let me know if import app is creating duplicate process models.



Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Tried with via "App" option and it is creating duplicate APP and   process models.

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Since I cannot reproduce it on my end, please provide an app which I can

use to reproduce this issue to help you further.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Iam able to upgrade the process and APP with option 1 successfully and with option 2 it is creating duplicate app and models. Thanks for the clarification. 

1) Kickstart App -> Apps -> <<Your App Name>> - Import App
2) Kickstart App -> Apps -> Import App