05-30-2017 05:11 AM
I seem to be having an issue locating documents on the Alfresco software. It’s as if our permissions have been revoked and I cannot see any folders whatsoever. Our login details still work but our dashboard has changed?
I am urgently looking for assistance on why and how this possibly happened and how to rectify?
05-30-2017 02:55 PM
What do you see if you select the "repository" in the top menu ?
You should see at last the users and the data dictionary...
05-31-2017 03:46 AM
Thanks for your response.
I see this: .. But none of my document folders? I also don’t have access to upload documents? Can you check the web link in the address bar? Looks like a local IP address - Is this correct?
Kind Regards,
Kimberley Barber
Quality Manager
Ambassador Confectionery
Tel: 0861 100 608
Email: <mailto:qacpt@nutco.co.za> qacpt@nutco.co.za
<http://www.ambassadorfoods.co.za/> http://www.ambassadorfoods.co.za
05-31-2017 08:01 AM
I can't say much about your alfresco setup. The IP address should be a server in your network and it runs alfresco on port 8080.
But I can't say if that's the right server - you would have to ask the one who has installed alfresco at your place...
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