04-11-2017 06:01 AM
I've done all the tutorial forCreating your first application with ADF but I'm stuck in theRunning and using the application I've created and genereated the application but I can't log on.
I've tested admin/admin (which I use to log on all Alfresco ECM), admin@app.activiti.com/admin (which I use to log on Process Services)
I can log on all the Alfresco services, such as share, api-explorer, activiti etc
Moreover when I generate an app from the github repository demos like the datatable for instance,Files from the ng2-component datatable demo
It doesn't give me anything when I start it just a blank page at localhost:63621
I sincerely hope that anyone can help to resolve those issues which I believe may be linked.
P.S : besides that, everything works properly, the Share webapp works perfectly(I can log in with the users I created in it), even BPM (Activiti) that i wanted to try.
04-13-2017 09:33 AM
Hi Jack,
it seems to be a problem with your activiti instance that is not running properly more than ADF.
04-13-2017 09:37 AM
Helloeugenio romano
Thank you for your answer !
So the thing is I stopped using Activiti to focus on ECM (but still installed). So do need to start Alfresco Process Services to use ADF ?
Moreover my Process Services worked fine when I tested them.
ECM works fine too, Share, REST API and so on are operational.
04-13-2017 09:43 AM
Nope you can choose what use if both system or just one of them. Your screenshot was showing the activiti-bpm app not working is really complicated just with that understand why could be more than one reason.
04-13-2017 09:54 AM
Ok that's what I thought.
Oh sorry I've dealt with that problem (I updated the original post) ! No now everything works pretty fine except that I can't find the password of any app I generate. I get this :
Even with the users I created in ECM (using the share interface) I can't log in (admin/admin doesn't work neither)
04-13-2017 10:33 AM
if you press on the setting button on top right (the gear) is the configuration pointing to your alfresco content service 5.2 instance ?
04-13-2017 10:47 AM
Mh it gives me this
The first link directing to this page
So I guess it's what you were talking about ?
04-14-2017 04:58 AM
yep should be fine, could you share with me the details of the errors that you receive in the newtwork log when you try to login?
04-14-2017 08:35 AM
Ok well at first, I haven't noticed before but when I just load the page I get those errors :
EDIT : I've taken care of these 4 errors by copying a fr.json file in all these directories.
then, when I try to login, I get these ones :
But actually this makes me think that it may be linked to the errors I get when I start the app :
But I didn't really think it was relevant since it compiled successfully...
I get warning of the same issue when I install the app too
But again since it was just warnings I thought I could go on even though I tried to resolve them by installing AngularCli which didn't helped much..
Thank you for your help again !
04-14-2017 02:52 PM
don't worry about the warning they will be removed in the next release and are harmless. In order to understand the problem I need more details of the Network error that you receive when try to login.:
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