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I can't log into the generated application

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I've done all the tutorial forCreating your first application with ADF  but I'm stuck in theRunning and using the application I've created and genereated the application but I can't log on.

I've tested admin/admin (which I use to log on all Alfresco ECM), (which I use to log on Process Services)

I can log on all the Alfresco services, such as share, api-explorer, activiti etc 

Moreover when I generate an app from the github repository demos like the datatable for instance,Files from the ng2-component datatable demo

It doesn't give me anything when I start it just a blank page at localhost:63621

I sincerely hope that anyone can help to resolve those issues which I believe may be linked.

P.S : besides that, everything works properly, the Share webapp works perfectly(I can log in with the users I created in it), even BPM (Activiti) that i wanted to try.


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Hi Jack,

it seems to be a problem with your activiti instance that is not running properly more than ADF.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Helloeugenio romano
Thank you for your answer !

So the thing is I stopped using Activiti to focus on ECM (but still installed). So do need to start Alfresco Process Services to use ADF ?
Moreover my Process Services worked fine when I tested them.

ECM works fine too, Share, REST API and so on are operational.

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Nope you can choose what use if both system or just one of them. Your screenshot was showing the activiti-bpm app not working is really complicated just with that understand why could be more than one reason. 

Ok that's what I thought.
Oh sorry I've dealt with that problem (I updated the original post) ! No now everything works pretty fine except that I can't find the password of any app I generate. I get this :
Alfresco ADF login page

Even with the users I created in ECM (using the share interface) I can't log in (admin/admin doesn't work neither)

if you press on the setting button on top right (the gear) is the configuration pointing to your alfresco content service 5.2 instance ?

Mh it gives me this


The first link directing to this page 

So I guess it's what you were talking about ?

yep should be fine, could you share with me the details of the errors that you receive in the newtwork log when you try to login?

Ok well at first, I haven't noticed before but when I just load the page I get those errors :

Errors before login attempt

EDIT : I've taken care of these 4 errors by copying a fr.json file in all these directories.

then, when I try to login, I get these ones :
Chrome console errors after login attempt

But actually this makes me think that it may be linked to the errors I get when I start the app :
Starting errors
Starting errors

But I didn't really think it was relevant since it compiled successfully...
I get warning of the same issue when I install the app too

But again since it was just warnings I thought I could go on even though I tried to resolve them by installing AngularCli which didn't helped much..

Thank you for your help again ! 

don't worry about the warning they will be removed in the next release and are harmless. In order to understand the problem I need more details of the Network error that you receive when try to login.: