06-28-2018 10:08 AM
I am new in alfresco and I create a rule that execute a javascript file when a file arrives in a directory (My javascript it inside data dictionnary script file). However, this javascript script must send a http get request to a remote server but I can not use the alfresco remote. Can you suggest a solution? Thank you
My javascript code:
function main() {
var name = document.name;
var username = "";
var msgContent = "";
var siteName = document.siteShortName;
var firstName = person.properties.firstName;
var lastName = person.properties.lastName;
if (siteName == null) {
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled())
if (firstName != null) {
username = username + firstName + " ";
if (lastName != null) {
username = username + lastName;
msgContent = username + " a ajouté un nouvel élément de contenu " + name + " au site " + siteName;
if (logger.isLoggingEnabled()) {
var connector = remote.connect("gedrepportremote");
var result = connector.get("/api/sendSMS?siteName=" + encodeURIComponent(siteName) + "&msgContent="+encodeURIComponent(msgContent));
if (result.status == 200) {
return JSON.parse(result);
} else if (result.status == 403) {
} else {
return null;
I have this error : "remote is not defined". I tried this HTTP Request from WebScript in Alfresco but it doesn't work for me.
07-02-2018 04:52 AM
The "remote" object is not availabe by default when using rule scripts. See Axel Faust answer in Call a repository webscript from a rule script
He also describes how to enable the "remote" root object...
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