06-01-2018 07:04 AM
Hi All,
I just need to be able to search/browse the Alfresco's document nodes (using the front-end web) by name so that I can see the node id and nodeType for uploaded documents under a certain site and a path.
Please let me know.
Thank you in advance.
06-01-2018 07:56 AM
I found the answer:
I had to go to Admin tools from top, and Then I selected the first row for the table under Reference column.
Under children select app:company_home
Underr children select cm:documentLibrary and it takes right to the Document folder you need to go to.
Let me know more details if any
Thank you,
06-11-2018 12:20 PM
There are two add-ons I install on every system: OOTB Support Tools and JavaScript Console. The first one, Support Tools, isn't really relevant to your question, I just wanted you to know about it. The second one is very handy for all kinds of purposes. One of the features it adds is a pair of UI actions that make it easier to dump a given node, see below...
So while you can go to the Node Browser and search for or navigate to any node, as you've already discovered, these UI actions are helpful in cases where you might already be sitting on the node in Share and you want to immediately dump it (or use it in some server-side JavaScript).
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