10-13-2022 12:23 PM
Using `/share/service/components/form` web script we can render a form for a node or for a type. Is it posible to render a form for a type with aspects? If no, how would you implement it?
I can implement "AspectFormProcessor", but what next? How to connect it with the Alfresco Share?
It would be the best to specify properties in the request's argument and render a form with only those.
10-14-2022 03:16 AM
You can render forms for aspects in Share. A good sample is available in
<config evaluator="aspect" condition="sc:webable"> <forms> <form> <field-visibility> <show id="sc:published" /> <show id="sc:isActive" /> </field-visibility> <appearance> <field id="sc:published" label-id="prop.sc_published" /> <field id="sc:isActive" label-id="prop.sc_isActive" /> </appearance> </form> </forms> </config>
10-14-2022 05:04 AM
Hi @angelborroy
thank you for the answer, I am very well aware of that configuration but I'm wondering how to render an HTML form based on i.e. type "cm:content" and aspects "sc:webable" and "cmrojectsummary". So in that example, I want to render an HTML form containing a properties from the cm:content type and properties from both "sc:webable" and "cm
rojectssummary" aspects. The simpliest solution I found so far it to create a dummy node containing that type and aspects and then call `/share/service/components/form` web script with "node" itemKind.
But it seems to be a bit dirty solution.
10-14-2022 05:11 AM
If the node of type "cm:content" has "sc:webable" and "cmrojectsummary" aspect set, the form will include all the properties for node and types.
If you want to create a new node and show a form with these properties, you can try an approach similar to https://github.com/softwareloop/uploader-plus
10-14-2022 09:10 AM
It is all about a new node. In the uploader-plus addon, only type can be selected (because there is no such think as PropertyFormProcessor or AspectFormProcessor, there is only NodeFormProcessor and TypeFormProcessor). I'm trying to add a functionality to select also an aspect or a property.
For example:
type=cm:content and aspects=[my:test, my:test2]
GET /share/service/components/form?type=cm:content&aspects=[my:test, my:test2]
<rendered HTML form>
<form> <input type="text" name="prop_cm_name"> <input type="text" name="prop_cm_title"> <input type="text" name="prop_cm_description"> ... <input type="text" name="prop_my_test_prop1"> <input type="text" name="prop_my_test_prop2"> <input type="text" name="prop_my_test2_prop1"> </form>
I would like to use existing Share's type and aspect form configuration.
I can of course write my own Share web script, I'm just wondering if there is an easier way.
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