12-25-2017 06:57 AM
I have created Custom Workflow and custom task properties assigned to it, when i open workflow from share , i can see the workflow in the list and it shows the defined custom properties , along with that some default properties comes with that ie. Workflow due date, Workdlow description etc, how we can remove that properties? I have already hidden those fields in share config file? but still it is showing.Any idea to remove such properties ?
12-26-2017 01:27 AM
If you want to hide properties from workflow start form, then copy the following code to your share-config-custom.xml.
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="activiti$your_Process_Id">
<hide id="bpm:workflowDescription" />
<hide id="bpm:workflowDueDate" />
Add your required property to hide element within field-visibility element.
12-26-2017 01:44 AM
Thanks for the reply rohit.
Actually i am hiding those properties in share config custom file already, still it is displayed over there. this is what i written in share config custom file
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="activiti$myprocess" >
<show id="hxwfescription" />
<show id="hxwf:Returnable" />
<show id="hxwf:NonReturnable" />
<show id="hxwf:Qty" />
<show id="hxwfeptHeadSig" />
<show id="hxwf:CarrierSig" />
<show id="hxwf:Remarks" />
<hide id="bpm:workflowDescription" />
<hide id="bpm:workflowDueDate" />
<hide id="bpm:workflowPriority" />
<hide id="bpm:status" />
12-26-2017 01:56 AM
If you are using show element than it shows the given properties and hides the rest of all properties which are not mentioned in show elements. So I recommend you to remove all hide elements and test your result. And let me know if it's helpful.
12-28-2017 12:51 AM
Actually i have written only show elements in share config file, but these default properties shown up with the custom ones, then i tried to hide those properties , that didn't worked. even when i delete all the show elements of custom properties from share config file, still the default properties alone shows in starting the workflow.i am not aware that from where these properties getting overridden.
<type name="hxwf:Task1">
this is my model.xml definition of particular task, when i remove remove bpm:start task from here, i cannot see any of the properties.
12-28-2017 02:25 AM
You can either use hide element or show element. Following is the configuration and its result
Last property is custom property all other are properties are from bpm:startTask. If you edit the share-config-custom.xml as following then you will get the desired result.
After doing all this if still, the problem persists check condition="activiti$myprocess" is same as the processID in your process definition file.
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