05-05-2020 08:03 AM
I want to remove content preview for certain users and group for my project.
I have disable view in browser button but i want to hide document or file or image content that is getting by default preview on share for users. Please do guide me out.
Thanks ,
05-13-2020 05:51 PM
To achieve this you can:
- Create a group, add users to the group or create a custom role
- Create a custom evaluator and add logic to evaluate the user permissions for nodes in the doclib folder based on custom role or group. Configure evaluator bean in context file when implementation of custom evaluator is done.
- Update the share config for action you want to hide and add evaluator config there.
Refer this doc: https://docs.alfresco.com/6.1/concepts/dev-extensions-share-evaluators.html
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